In this section we explain how we treat the data you specify in the Nutritron mobile application.
The structure of this section will be based on the different application pages that may be subject to questions regarding collection of personal user information.

Nutritron setup/Update user info

In this page you (the user) can (optionally) specify your gender, age and level of activity. This information is stricly used for calculating the nutritional daily limits displayed in the application. The information regarding your gender, age and level of activity never leaves the application, it only exists locally.

Manual nutrition inputs

In this page you (the user) can register intake of different nutrition types on a specific date. The types being kilo calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber. This information is used to calculate your average daily nutrition intake displayed in the application main page (the "Home" section in the app). THe calculation is done locally in the application and the information you specify never leaves the application, it only exists locally.


The application uses Firebase Analytics. The motivation for adding this to the application is to see how you (the user) navigates around in the Nutritron application. Using this information we can enhance the user experience to fit the most common use cases we identify from you (the user).
More specifically, we track what you click on in the app (click events). When performing a recipe search (the "Search" section in the app) we also collect your query. With this information we can analyze popular recipe queries to further enhance the application in the future.


If you have any questions please contact us on